Henry Schein donates $200K in healthcare products to historically Black dental schools

Henry Schein donated $200,000 in healthcare products to the Howard University College of Dentistry in Washington, D.C., and the Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry in Nashville, Tenn.


The company donated $100,000 in products to each school. The donation was announced by Stanley Bergman, Henry Schein’s chair of the board and CEO, during Howard’s commencement ceremony May 6, according to a May 12 news release.

The goal of the donations is to support the schools’ efforts to provide free oral healthcare to the underserved through student outreach programs.

During the commencement, Mr. Bergman also said every member of Howard College of Dentistry’s graduating class would receive $1,000 in healthcare products to provide charitable care of their choosing.

Henry Schein has supported Howard’s Global Student Outreach program for 18 years and will extend the partnership for the next four years, according to the release.


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