118 groups urge Envista to discontinue mercury fillings

Dental supply company Envista is under fire for continuing to manufacture mercury fillings.

Envista is the last publicly-traded U.S. company still selling mercury fillings, also known as amalgam, according to a March 9 press release.

Amalgam contains a mix of metals, including liquid mercury and a powdered alloy made of silver, tin and copper. Fifty percent of it is mercury.

The FDA issued a recommendation Sept. 24, 2020, stating that nonmercury should be used when treating certain patients, including those who are pregnant or nursing, children and those with impaired kidney function.

Envista received letters from 118 environmental, consumer and children's groups asking the company to stop producing amalgam.

"Envista is fighting the arc of history that bends toward justice. It needs to stop sending this inferior, toxic product increasingly relegated to consumers forced into American and Canadian federal government programs where they have no choice," said Charlie Brown, Consumers for Dental Choice's national counsel.

As of March 9, Becker's was unable to reach Envista for comment after multiple attempts. 

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