1. Monthly polls from the American Dental Association’s Health Policy Institute show how recruiting challenges for dental practices have fluctuated throughout the year.
2. Northeast Delta Dental is investing $5 million to help alleviate dental workforce shortages and rising costs in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
3. WalletHub recently ranked the best and worst states for jobs.
4. Wisconsin legislators introduced a bill that would allow dental therapists to practice in the state.
5. Dental assisting training and apprenticeship programs have been approved at the state level in Montana and Utah to help combat workforce shortages.
6. Approximately two-thirds of dental practices feel they have an adequate number of dental hygienists and dental assistants on staff, according to a survey from the American Dental Association’s Health Policy Institute.
7. The projected change in employment for oral and maxillofacial surgeons is expected to increase 5% by 2032, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.