Fifty-one percent of dentists who are owners or partners have stayed at the same practice for more than 20 years, according to DentalPost's "2023 Dental Salary Survey" annual report.
DentalPost conducted its survey between July and September 2022 and received participation from 1,216 dentists. The survey addresses topics including compensation, job turnover and work environment. Read more about the methodology here.
Here is how long dentists who are owners or partners stayed at the same practice, according to DentalPost:
More than 20 years: 61 percent
15 to 19 years: 10.5 percent
10 to 14 years: 10.25 percent
Seven to nine years: 5 percent
Five to six years: 3.5 percent
Three to four years: 4.5 percent
One to two years: 3.75 percent
Between six to 12 months: 1 percent
Fewer than six months: 0.5 percent
Here is how long dentists who are associates or employees stayed at the same practice, according to DentalPost:
More than 20 years: 2.5 percent
15 to 19 years: 1 percent
10 to 14 years: 4.5 percent
Seven to nine years: 6.75 percent
Five to six years: 11.5 percent
Three to four years: 18.25 percent
One to two years: 27.5 percent
Between six to 12 months: 14.25 percent
Fewer than six months: 13.75 percent