Dr. Lyon, a chief dental officer for the division of orthodontics and pediatric dentistry for Dental Care Alliance, spoke with Becker’s to answer the question, “What would you like from the tooth fairy in 2025?”
Editor’s note: This Q&A is part of a weekly series featuring Dr. Lyon focused on topics in the dental industry and DSO field. The views expressed are those of Dr. Lyon and do not necessarily reflect those of Dental Care Alliance.
This response was lightly edited for clarity and length.
Dr. Barry Lyon:
I would like the tooth fairy to bring me an end to the politicization of healthcare.
Healthcare should be professionally managed in a way that promotes better quality of life and wellbeing for everyone. It is based on science, research and evidence, not on unfounded scare tactics, political opposition or specious arguments about unproven fears.
The overwhelming evidence that fluoride in our drinking water is a public health benefit, and not a hazard, cannot be overstated. To argue otherwise is irresponsible and a perfect example of how healthcare is being politicized today.