Convergent Dental creates clinical advisory board

Dental equipment and technology company Convergent Dental formed a five-member clinical advisory board. 


The board will support the adoption of Solea, the company’s dental laser, and advise on future clinical applications.

The dentists selected to the board are among the most experienced with the use of the Solea laser in the industry

Here are the board members:

  • Tim Anderson, DDS, dentist at Missouri River Dental, a practice in Bismarck, N.D.
  • Jeff Rohde, DDS, dentist at Kendall, Rohde and Associates, a practice in Santa Barbara, Calif.
  • Christopher Blair, DDS, dentist at Palermo Village Dental, a practice in Ontario, Canada
  • Jenny Jackson, DMD, dentist at Asheville (N.C.) Pediatric Dentistry
  • Jared Poplin, DMD, dentist at Poplin Pediatric Dentistry in Austin, Texas

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