Here are five statistics Becker's has reported on in recent months that could lead to opportunities for growth and progress in the dental industry:
1. The average total income for full-time dental assistants hit a three-year high in 2024, reaching $47,440, according to Dentalpost's 2025 Dental Salary Survey Report.
2. The average income for dentist owners increased by 9% between 2023 and 2024, according to Dentalpost's 2025 Dental Salary Survey Report.
3. Dentists displayed higher confidence levels in the economic conditions of their own dental practice, the dental care sector and the U.S. economy in the fourth quarter of 2024 than the third quarter, according to a survey from the American Dental Association's Health Policy Institute.
4. The number of general dentists in the U.S. increased from 110,730 in 2019 to 121,640 in 2023, an increase of 9.8%, according to data from the Labor of Bureau Statistics.
5. The number of graduates from DDS- and DMD-accredited programs was nearly 7,000 in 2023, an increase of 8.2% since 2019, according to data from the American Dental Association's Health Policy Institute.