Researchers from two dental schools recently created two oral health items to fight gum disease and COVID-19.
More details:
- Researchers at New York City-based New York University College of Dentistry designed a topical gel that treats gum disease by preventing the succinate receptor from activating, which suppresses inflammation and alters bacteria makeup in the mouth. Researchers found in a study that applying the gel in mice reduced gum inflammation and led to more balanced bacteria levels and less bone loss. The long-term goal of the study is to create a gel and oral strip that can be applied at home.
- Philadelphia-based Penn Medicine began a clinical trial Sept. 7 to test the ability of a chewing gum to trap COVID-19 in saliva. The gum was created by Henry Daniell, PhD, a researcher at the Penn School of Dental Medicine, using plant-based materials that lock up a protein found in COVID-19. The gum could make it safer for dentists to care for patients who test positive.