A coalition of Kentucky health organizations are opposing a bill that would remove the state's water fluoridation mandate, according to a Feb. 23 report from Northern Kentucky Tribune.
House Bill 16, which was introduced in January, recently passed the Kentucky House Health Services Committee.
The coalition supports water fluoridation, pointing to its ability to reduce tooth decay, which is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in Kentucky. Fluoride can serve as a backup to inadequate access to oral healthcare services.
The Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services estimates that for every 10% of the state population that loses access to fluoridation, an additional $20 million is added to annual Medicaid spending.
The bill will be heard by the full Kentucky House of Representatives on Feb. 25.
Members of the coalition are Kentucky Voice for Health, Kentucky Oral Health Coalition, Kentucky Primary Care Association, Kentucky Dental Association, Kentucky Dental Hygienists' Association, Delta Dental of Kentucky, Louisville Water Company and the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, the report said.