Here are 10 notes, stats and numbers on pay and compensation for dental assistants:
1. The average total income for dental assistants in 2024 was $47,440, according to Dentalpost's 2025 Dental Salary Survey Report.
2. The 2024 salary is a 7.1% increase for dental assistant pay compared to 2023.
3. Two-thirds of dental assistants have received a raise within the past two years.
4. More than 36% of dental assistants are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their current pay, compared to 33% who are satisfied or very satisfied.
5. Full-time dental assistants reported total primary income from their dental practice ranging from $20,000 to $150,000.
6. The median total income for dental assistants in 2024 was $45,000.
7. The average hourly rate for the profession was $26.96.
8. Dental assistants reported earning between $18 and $118 per hour.
9. Nearly 50% of dental assistants earn an average hourly wage of $20 to $27.
10. Dental assistants with more than 25 years of experience are the highest-earning group, with an average hourly rate of $29.12.