Here are 10 notes, stats and numbers on pay and compensation for dental hygienists:
1. The median full-time income of registered dental hygienists is $80,000, according to Dentalpost's 2025 Dental Salary Survey Report.
2. The average total income of hygienists hit an all-time high of $81,627 in 2024.
3. States in the Pacific region of the U.S. paid the highest in total income for hygienists, with an average salary of $98,910.
4. States in the East South Central region paid the lowest in total income for the profession, with an average annual salary of $65,319.
5. The average hourly rate for dental hygienists rose to $48.85 per hour in 2024, up from $45.75 per hour in 2023.
6. Hygienists with 14 to 19 years of experience made an average of $59.79 per hour, the highest of any experience level.
7. Hygienists with four to six years of experience made an average of $47.95 per hour, the lowest of any experience level.
8. More than 50% of dental hygienists are satisfied or very satisfied with their total compensation for 2024.
9. Employment services is the top-paying setting for dental hygienists, with an average annual salary of $95,650, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
10. Dental hygienists earn the most in Washington, with an average mean salary of $123,510.