Oral surgeon hourly pay vs. minimum wage by state

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons earn about $173.79 per hour in North Carolina, the state with the highest average hourly wage for oral and maxillofacial surgeons, compared to the state's minimum wage of $7.25.

Here is how the average hourly wage for oral and maxillofacial surgeons compares to the minimum wage for each state, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Department of Labor:

Note: Hourly wage data for oral surgeons was not available for each state.


Average hourly wage: $106.64

State minimum hourly wage: $16.00


Average hourly wage: $95.69

State minimum hourly wage: $5.15 for companies exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act.


Average hourly wage: $143.66

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25


Average hourly wage: $135.12

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25


Average hourly wage: $166.75

State minimum hourly wage: $15.00


Average hourly wage: $147.39

State minimum hourly wage: $10.33

New York

Average hourly wage: $136.67

State minimum hourly wage: $15.00; $16.00 for New York City, Nassau County, Suffolk County and Westchester County.

North Carolina

Average hourly wage: $173.79

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25

South Dakota

Average hourly wage: $147.61

State minimum hourly wage: $11.20

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