Dentist hourly pay vs. minimum wage by state

Dentists earn about $125.18 per hour in Vermont, the state with the highest average hourly wage for dentists, compared to the state’s minimum wage of $13.67.


Here is how the average hourly wage for general dentists compares to the minimum wage for each state, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the U.S. Department of Labor


Average hourly wage for dentists: $86.06

State minimum hourly wage: No state minimum wage law, but employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. 


Average hourly wage for dentists: $96.98

State minimum hourly wage: $11.73


Average hourly wage for dentists: $111.49

State minimum hourly wage: $14.35


Average hourly wage for dentists: $81.14

State minimum hourly wage: $11.00


Average hourly wage for dentists: $87.37

State minimum hourly wage: $16.00


Average hourly wage for dentists: $72.03

State minimum hourly wage: $14.42


Average hourly wage for dentists: $103.53

State minimum hourly wage: $15.69


Average hourly wage for dentists: $109.23

State minimum hourly wage: $13.25


Average hourly wage for dentists: $87.48

State minimum hourly wage: $12.00


Average hourly wage for dentists: $100.27

State minimum hourly wage: $5.15 for companies exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act.


Average hourly wage for dentists: $74.45

State minimum hourly wage: $14.00


Average hourly wage for dentists: $82.64

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25


Average hourly wage for dentists: $79.69

State minimum hourly wage: $14.00


Average hourly wage for dentists: $96.15

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25 


Average hourly wage for dentists: $89.63

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25


Average hourly wage for dentists: $84.37

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25


Average hourly wage for dentists: $89.66

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25


Average hourly wage for dentists: $79.01

State minimum hourly wage: No state minimum wage law, but employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.


Average hourly wage for dentists: $103.28

State minimum hourly wage: $14.15


Average hourly wage for dentists: $112.82

State minimum hourly wage: $15.00


Average hourly wage for dentists: N/A

State minimum hourly wage: $15.00


Average hourly wage for dentists: $95.41

State minimum hourly wage: $10.33


Average hourly wage for dentists: $101.49

State minimum hourly wage: $8.85 for companies with revenue under $500,000; $10.85 for companies making more.


Average hourly wage for dentists: $62.76

State minimum hourly wage: No state minimum wage law, but employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.


Average hourly wage for dentists: N/A

State minimum hourly wage: $12.30, except for federal employees and employees of a retail or service business with revenue under $500,000.


Average hourly wage for dentists: $98.28

State minimum hourly wage: $10.30 for companies with gross sales over $110,000; $4.00 for businesses not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act with gross annual sales of $110,000 or less.


Average hourly wage for dentists: $80.76

State minimum hourly wage: $12.00 for companies with four or more employees


Average hourly wage for dentists: $69.43

State minimum hourly wage: $10.25 with health insurance provided; $11.25 without health insurance

New Hampshire

Average hourly wage for dentists: $94.93

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25

New Jersey

Average hourly wage for dentists: N/A

State minimum hourly wage: $15.13; $13.73 for seasonal and small employers with fewer than six employees

New Mexico

Average hourly wage for dentists: $91.60

State minimum hourly wage: $12.00

New York

Average hourly wage for dentists: $76.02

State minimum hourly wage: $15.00; $16.00 for New York City, Nassau County, Suffolk County and Westchester County.

North Carolina

Average hourly wage for dentists: $98.55

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25

North Dakota

Average hourly wage for dentists: $87.91

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25


Average hourly wage for dentists: $89.85

State minimum hourly wage: $10.45 for employers with annual gross receipts of $385,000 or more; $7.25 everywhere else


Average hourly wage for dentists: $100.22

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25 for employers of 10 or more full-time employees at any one location and employers with annual gross sales over $100,000 irrespective of number of full-time employees; $2 for all other employers.


Average hourly wage for dentists: $85.31

State minimum hourly wage: $14.20; $15.45 for the Portland metro area; and $13.20 non-Urban counties.


Average hourly wage for dentists: $90.31

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25

Rhode Island

Average hourly wage for dentists: $94.49

State minimum hourly wage: $14.00

South Carolina

Average hourly wage for dentists: $87.97

State minimum hourly wage: No state minimum wage law, but employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

South Dakota

Average hourly wage for dentists: $68.67

State minimum hourly wage: $11.20


Average hourly wage for dentists: $79.04

State minimum hourly wage: No state minimum wage law, but employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.


Average hourly wage for dentists: $105.77

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25


Average hourly wage for dentists: $67.29

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25


Average hourly wage for dentists: $125.18

State minimum hourly wage: $13.67 for employers with two or more employees


Average hourly wage for dentists: $90.36

State minimum hourly wage: $12.00


Average hourly wage for dentists: $103.98

State minimum hourly wage: $16.28

West Virginia

Average hourly wage for dentists: $87.49

State minimum hourly wage: $8.75 for companies with six or more employees at one location


Average hourly wage for dentists: $86.18

State minimum hourly wage: $7.25


Average hourly wage for dentists: $90.52

State minimum hourly wage: $5.15 for companies exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act


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