Orthodontists earn $243,232 per year in Florida, the lowest-paying state for the profession, according to career website ZipRecruiter.
Florida pays $80,355 below the national average of $323,587.
ZipRecruiter collects its compensation data, which was updated Sept. 11, from employer job postings and third-party data sources.
Here are the 10 states where orthodontists are paid the least, starting with the lowest-paying state:
1. Florida: $243,232
2. Alabama: $243,483
3. West Virginia: $244,337
4. Louisiana: $247,691
5. Kansas: $257,594
6. Mississippi: $267,903
7. Tennessee: $269,901
8. Utah: $270,636
9. Arkansas: $274,092
10. North Carolina: $274,745