General dentists earn $148,527 per year on average in Florida, the lowest-paying state for the profession, according to career website ZipRecruiter.
Florida pays $52,682 below the national average of $201,209.
ZipRecruiter collects its compensation data, which was updated Sept. 11, from employer job postings and third-party data sources.
Here are the 10 states where general dentists are paid the least, along with the average annual salary, starting with the lowest-paying state:
50. Florida: $148,527
49. Alabama: $148,679
48. West Virginia: $148,945
47. Arkansas: $162,037
46. North Carolina: $162,944
45. Kentucky: $165,213
44. Idaho: $167,355
43. Montana: $168,789
42. New Mexico: $169,075
41. Nebraska: $170,145