Wisconsin was ranked as the best state for dental health by personal finance website WalletHub, while employers are having the most success finding staff in New York, according to the site.
In WalletHub's rankings on dental health from Feb. 1, each state was ranked based on two major metrics: dental habits and care and oral health. Read more on the methodology here.
In WalletHub's Feb. 15 report, the site ranked the states from those struggling the most with hiring to those struggling the least based on two metrics: the rate of job openings for the latest month and for the last 12 months. Read more about the methodology here.
Here are the top 10 states for dental health compared with the states most likely to fill positions:
1. Dental health: Wisconsin; Hiring success: New York
2. Dental health: Illinois; Hiring success: New Jersey
3. Dental health: District of Columbia; Hiring success: Connecticut
4. Dental health: Minnesota; Hiring success: Washington
5. Dental health: Connecticut; Hiring success: Hawaii
6. Dental health: North Dakota; Hiring success: Florida
7. Dental health: Michigan; Hiring success: District of Columbia
8. Dental health: Idaho; Hiring success: Utah
9. Dental health: Massachusetts; Hiring success: Indiana
10. Dental health: Ohio; Hiring success: Kansas