The average salary for dentists is $162,880 in the West and $328,553 in the Northeast.
Eight of the 10 highest-paying cities for dentists are in the West and Northeast markets. California and Oregon together have five of the highest-paying cities for dentists in the U.S. while New Hampshire, Connecticut and Maine are home to three of the top-paying Northeast cities.
This salary data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which updated wage and salary data for several dental specialties March 31 to reflect 2021 information.
Oregon is the highest-paying state in the West for dentists with an average salary of $207,370 while Idaho is the lowest paying at $124,750.
New Hampshire is the highest-paying state in the Northeast for dentists with an average salary of $225,140 while Pennsylvania is the lowest paying at $159,450.
Dentist salary in each state on the West and Northeast (the regions are defined by the Census Bureau):
Alaska: $168,390
Arizona: $175,030
California: $165,950
Colorado: $139,460
Hawaii: $177,820
Idaho: $124,750
Montana: $152,770
Nevada: $151,130
New Mexico: $189,430
Oregon: $207,370
Utah: $134,570
Washington: $182,050
Wyoming: $148,730
Connecticut: $197,910
Maine: $187,460
Massachusetts: $175,140
New Hampshire: $225,140
New Jersey: N/A
New York: $170,800
Pennsylvania: $159,450
Rhode Island: $206,600
Vermont: $190,030